Since I last wrote, I've been getting things ready for our yard sale next weekend. I started with posting pictures online of the furniture, and some one is coming this afternoon to look at and hopefully buy half of it. That would be a nice chunk of change to go in the pocket, but a load off as well, knowing it's sold and gone.
While I was at work the other day, I was talking to my client about selling the car, which I was kinda still driving, and needed for another month, and how that was scary, and another spoke up and said she buys cars... After talking to this woman awhile, she said she would certainly buy the car when I was ready next month, hopefully she'll put a down payment on it, so I know she's serious, then that'll be another huge load of my shoulders.
Here is a little gettin' into the shower selfie. :) |
With preparing for our move, we seem to be hemorrhaging money, we had to spend money to upgrade the bathroom, so the house will show at its best for potential renters, we've been buying things to take with us, because we have more selection and better quality items here in the States. We purchased bicycles yesterday, and baskets, and a tire pump and a lock... You get the idea. But since we are spending $4000+ on this container to ship we better put it to use!
In making our plane reservations for the flight to South America, I asked for business class, that way you get 3 bags each, but... Because we are flying with our pups we can't do business class, so we only get one free bag each. $75 for each additional bag, what a rip off! So again, more stuff will go in the container, good thing we're headed to the beach and I'll only need bikinis ;)
I'm headed to the shower, have to work today, then empty out the furniture in case the lady buys it this afternoon, we'll probably be back in the studio tomorrow. Take care fans, MUAH! sK
Off to work! |